Universitas KALBIS merupakan universitas swasta yang dikelola secara profesional oleh Yayasan Triputra Persada Horizon Education
Saat ini, Universitas KALBIS menawarkan delapan program sarjana di bidang Manajemen, Akuntansi, Ilmu Komunikasi, Informatika, Sistem Informasi, dan Desain Komunikasi Visual, Psikologi, Pariwisata serta program Pascasarjana
Proses belajar di Universitas KALBIS membekali mahasiswa untuk menjadi generasi penerus yang mampu memberikan kontribusi signifikan di ranah pekerjaan, masyarakat, dan untuk kemajuan bangsa serta negara.
Dengan beragam program gelar yang tersedia, Universitas KALBIS membaginya dalam dua Seolah yang berfokus, yaitu Sekolah Bisnis & Komunikasi serta Sekolah Ilmu Komputer & Desain.
KALBIS Institute has helped me to deepen and broaden my leadership skill, and fokus on the holistic picture. In addition to learning new concepts, theories, and skills, I have learned a tremendous amount about myself. I am able to take these learnings and apply not just to my professional career but to improving every facet on my life.
I really enjoyed was I studied at KALBIS Institute in 2 years. I am sure everything that I got from all lectures and my colleague can bring me to be a better person in intellectual and mental.
Kuliah di Kalbis bikin aku jadi orang yang mau belajar, soalnya kalo kuliah di sini nggak bisa nyontek. Aku selama kuliah di sini, kalau ujian ngga pernah nyontek sama sekali. Jadi mau tidak mau aku belajar, soalnya waktu dulu kalau jaman sekolah pasti ada aja nyontek - nyonteknya, kalau di Kalbis itu tidak pernah sama sekali. Pertama kalinya buat belajar buat disiplin dan tertib di sini.
What I love the most about Kalbis is the supportive environment. I really adore the lecturer and how amazing they are in teaching. I always enjoy the classroom activities. Even though the class is held virtually, the discussions are always fruitful. Also another cool thing is that my lecturers own instagram account and we follow each other there. We often reply to each other’s instagram story but when it comes to teaching, they are very discipline and strict. I really appreciate the professionalism they bring in class but we can still be friends outside the classroom.
School of Business & Communication
School of Computer Science & Design